If you are the parent of a child with ADHD, you know how challenging it can be to manage their behavior. There are many treatments available for kids with ADHD, including medication and neurofeedback. Neurofeedback is a type of therapy that helps kids learn to control their brain waves, resulting in better concentration, fewer emotional outbursts, and an overall happier kid. But there are so many other ways neurofeedback helps kids with ADHD, and Peak Brain Centers is here to explain some of those ways.
5 Ways Neurofeedback Benefits Kids with ADHD
1. Improvements in Academics
Kids with ADHD often struggle in school. They have a hard time paying attention in class and are easily distracted. Neurofeedback can help kids focus better and improve their academic performance. In one study, kids who received neurofeedback therapy showed significant improvements in reading, math, and spelling scores. The earlier ADHD is caught, the sooner you can start your child in their own personalized neurofeedback therapy schedule. We guarantee you’ll notice dramatic improvements before the end of the semester!
2. Reduction in Impulsive Behaviors
Unfortunately, kids with ADHD can be very impulsive and often act without thinking things through. This can turn ordinary, everyday experiences at school and at home into nightmare situations for parents and teachers. In fact, it’s not uncommon for teachers to send home reports about behavior that include:
- “Does not listen.”
- “Very talkative in class.”
- “Has a hard time picking up after themselves.”
Thankfully, neurofeedback can help kids learn to control their impulses and make better decisions both at home and at school. Kids who receive neurofeedback training show reductions in impulsiveness and hyperactivity, which improve their school work but also improve the quality of their interactions with others.

3. Improved Concentration
One of the main symptoms of ADHD is difficulty concentrating. In fact, as they age, many of them equate their difficulty in concentrating to having 25 Google browsers open at the same time, five of which are frozen, and they can’t figure out where the music is coming from.
Neurofeedback can help kids concentrate better and stay on task by encouraging the brain to use healthier, more efficient neuronal pathways. These new pathways give kids more control over where they put their attention. This has also been proven in research. In one study, kids who received neurofeedback therapy had improved concentration and were able to complete tasks faster and more accurately than kids who did not receive neurofeedback therapy.
4. Fewer Emotional Outbursts
Kids with ADHD can often have emotional outbursts due to their short tempers and lack of impulse control. They can also get overstimulated more often and more quickly compared to their peers. Overstimulation often leads to a shutdown in attention span and emotional regulation. We as adults feel frustrated when overstimulated, and so the same can be said for kids, especially those with ADHD.
Fortunately, neurofeedback can help kids regulate their emotions and react more calmly in stressful situations by calming the sympathetic pathways and encouraging the parasympathetic ones. It also helps quiet the “noise” they have going on in their own heads by helping them process information more quickly and accurately.
5. Better Overall Mood
Kids with ADHD can often be moody and irritable due to their condition (who wouldn’t be?). By helping them regulate their own brains, they get some control back over how they behave, how and what they think, and how they spend their concentration powers. Neurofeedback doesn’t just produce kids that are better in school; it also produces happier, healthier kids with better moods and emotional regulation.

ADHD Doesn’t Have to be This Way
Have you always wondered what’s going on inside the brain of your ADHD child? If so, then bring them into Peak Brain Centers! Our qEEG brain maps give us an inside look at how the brain is functioning. In many of the cases of kids with ADHD, the brain is over-functioning, processing too much information too fast. With a personalized neurofeedback training plan, we can slow down these areas, help the brain regulate itself, and encourage better concentration and emotional regulation. We can also treat your child’s anxiety, autism, and brain fog. Schedule a free consultation online or give us a call at (765) 667-9720.
Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash
Photo by Robo Wunderkind on Unsplash
Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash