Our bodies and brains have a natural tendency to heal. We recover from emotional stress and physical illness and return to equilibrium all the time. For example, when we cut our finger, our body automatically repairs the cut without us even thinking about it. Another way of us healing is when we sleep; we go into rapid eye movement (REM) where the brain processes the events of the day, and we eventually wake up feeling refreshed, much better, and less stressed about what has happened.
Unfortunately, some circumstances cause emotional or mental damage that requires active participation to repair. For example, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) affects the nervous system, leaving a lasting, negative imprint.
Thankfully, neurofeedback from Peak Brain Centers can help jump-start the innate healing response in the brain, mitigating the symptoms of PTSD. When coupled with neurofeedback, other therapies, such as EMDR, can further advance the healing process and help severely traumatized individuals heal.
How Neurofeedback Helps with PTSD
Neurofeedback is an effective, safe, and non-invasive method which regulates the firing of neurons and information shared in the brain. It is used to rehabilitate brain, returning it back to a state of calm and efficient productivity. Each neurofeedback session works by encouraging the brain to produce healthy patterns of brain wave activity. Moreover, it is a natural approach that creates long-term changes in how the brain functions.
During a session, a cap is placed on your head and the electrical activity of your brain is monitored using the sensors inside the cap. The sensors start giving signals to the computer if your brain waves are outside of the desired range. In the initial sessions, your brain will learn how to stay balanced. You will start to notice that you are feeling more in control and calm. Eventually, those living with PTSD are able to process the events and begin the emotional healing process.
How EMDR Helps with PTSD
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming is a type of psychotherapy that helps people heal from distressing life events and trauma. This therapy uses bilateral stimulation or eye movements to help individuals process disturbing memories they have experienced. This type of therapy works with the brain and the way our memories are stored.
A session of EMDR therapy works by processing the traumatic material which includes negative thoughts about oneself, images, emotions, and body sensations that are attached to the memory. Once the associated sensations and memory are processed and neutralized, the person no longer unconsciously or consciously re-lives the experience. People who try EMDR report that their nightmares stop, their sleep improves, and they experience a higher level of self-esteem.
Find Your Path to Healing
Are you looking for your path to healing? Maybe you’re just starting to search for answers. If that’s the case, then we’re glad you found neurofeedback at Peak Brain Centers. We not only help patients suffering from PTSD, but we also help those living with anxiety, autism, and addiction. The beauty of what we do is that not every path looks the same, which means you can feel free to find your own way to healing. We simply help your brain find peace and balance so you can process any and all traumatic events in your life. If you’d like to start with neurofeedback before trying anything else, schedule your free consultation with us at (765) 667-9720.
Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash